
Largest single-day spike takes India’s case tally over 90k

As of Saturday night, the total cases in India stood at 90,572, the number of deaths at 2,797 and the number of those recovered at 34,039.

India recorded the highest single-day spike in Covid-19 infections with 4,863 new cases on Saturday as the national tally crossed the 90,000 mark.
As of Saturday night, the total cases in India stood at 90,572, the number of deaths at 2,797 and the number of those recovered at 34,039. The previous highest daily count was recorded on May 10 when 4,370 new cases were reported.
Three out of every four cases in the country have been reported in four states – Maharashtra, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu and Delhi. With 1,606 new cases on Saturday, Maharashtra crossed the 30,000 mark on Saturday, while Gujarat and Tamil Nadu are both above the 10,000 mark.

Largest single-day spike takes India’s case tally over 90k Largest single-day spike takes India’s case tally over 90k Reviewed by tim on May 16, 2020 Rating: 5

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