you start your day on a healthy note, chances are it’s probably going to benefit you for the rest of the day.“When kids and adults eat breakfast they tend to focus better at school and work and it may also help reduce cravings that come from unaddressed hunger.”
And while there are many things you can do in the morning to have a healthy routine, experts agree eating well is the first step. A well-fed body is a well-fuelled mind, De Santis adds.“When you are properly nourished and fed, you are much more resilient to the ups, downs and stresses of daily life. Imagine how much harder it is to deal with a stressful situation in the office if you’re starving.”
Below, experts in nutrition, fitness and wellness reveal the most crucial things to do every morning to start your day on a healthy note.
Take a cold shower
“I start my day with a cold shower, or at least I start it cold. It wakes you up and energizes you like nothing else, and when you finally turn the water warm, you appreciate it 1,000 times more. I can honestly not enjoy a purely warm shower anymore because of how much better it feels when you suck it up and face the cold first.
Get child,s post
“Do a child’s pose or bring in the knees into your chest before even getting out of bed,” she says. “[This helps] to stretch out your lower to upper back, and release any tension from the hips.”
Drink Lemon water
“It’s always a great idea to go to bed with a glass of lemon water or supplements beside you,” she says. “Your body has been dehydrated for eight hours and in general, people don’t drink enough water. Start your day with a glass of lemon water.”
Good breakfast
“Eat a plant-based breakfast,” he tells Global News. “Everyone thinks we need milk or eggs to have a healthy breakfast, but we get plenty of protein at other times throughout the day. I challenge my clients to stick to a purely plant-based breakfast. It feels good to be able to say you can go without animal products for one meal
a day. I opt for bananas and almonds or avocados if I have any available. The added benefit is these foods require zero preparation time.”
Do exercise
“I adopted this tip from author Tim Ferris,” he tells Global News. “This could be five push-ups, five body weight squats or lunges — just move slowly and thoughtfully. There is nothing magic about five, it is just a generally easy and obtainable number for the majority, and it instills the habit of getting moving in the morning. Also, research indicates that accomplishing something, doesn’t matter how small, early in the day sets the tone for accomplishment for the rest of our day.”
Inderjot Sandhar, a yoga instructor based in Mississauga, Ont.
“Take anywhere from three to 10 minutes to clear your mind and focus on your breath,” she says. Either long deep breathing or rapid-fire breathing.”
10 min meditation
“This gives us time to be present and focus on ourselves before we give ourselves to the day. Journaling is a great way of putting your thoughts down, identifying what thoughts you should focus on and what thoughts you can let go of … it decreases brain clutte
Reviewed by tim
May 22, 2020

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